Student Events

Summer Expectations:

Sundays: During the summer Antioch Students take a break from small groups and all gather together to learn from the Word on Sunday mornings.  

Wednesdays: During the summer Antioch Students take a break from small groups and weekly meetings. This summer we will meet on Wednesday, May 22nd, June 12th, and July 31st, together to hang out, have some fun and catch up throughout the summer.
Regular Wednesday nights will pick back up in August.  

Summer Camp

Antioch Students will head to camp with Student Life July 1st-5th, 2024 at John Brown University. This is a week full of fun, friends, and most important, time in the Word. Through quiet time, small groups, games, worship, and hearing from the main speaker it is a week full of pouring into Scripture to learn more about our Creator and to build relationships with Him and one another. You do not want to miss this awesome week!  Registration will open soon.


Reset is designed to be an annual winter retreat for students at Antioch. Our goal for Reset is to provide an opportunity for students to unplug from the technology and pressures of their lives to focus on spending time with God through preaching, prayer, and fellowship.

Missions Trip

In June 2024 students from Antioch will have the opportunity to partner with Trailhead International and the Fuentes family to travel to Belize to support a young church plant in reaching their community with the gospel of Jesus Christ through sports camps, children’s activities, and more!